Tougher Than Nails Product + 100 % Recyclable?

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We’re Green.

Thank you for visiting PJ Woodlands! You will find a community here dedicated to the preservation and protection of our natural capital. We are committed to the concepts and practices of sustainability.

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Build it.

The year 2021 has forced us all to evaluate what is sustainable and what has already become unsustainable. Our world cannot sustain the destructive effects of wildfire, the depletion of natural resources, nor the failure to support precious human resources.
PJ Woodlands manufactures a patented, industrial strength, wood fiber plastic composite, named FiberWood™. We do so in a manner that spares old growth forests. Our products are made from small-diameter trees and forest slash. Combining this wood fiber with reclaimed plastic will create a sustainable product.

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Grow it.

PJ Woodlands is equally committed to improving the lives of the people around us. Our second chance philosophy manifests itself in our partnership with Federal Prison Industries (a/k/a UNICOR). We provide hands-on work experience and skill-up training to inmates during their incarceration. The jobs we create build support for families that sustain them with steady income and a transferable skill base.
Our team at PJ Woodlands would invite your participation in our community through joining our mailing list and our social media updates